Inox Service s.r.l was founded in 1998 by young entrepreneurs with technical skills developed and deepened in the field of ship fittings in stainless steel and production of catering areas such as kitchens, pantries and cold rooms, aiming to diversify their activities and engaging in a goal that will allow them to be competitive in the future of the national market.
We provides a comprehensive range of products and techniques to create value for the construction industry and support sustainable development.
Considerable experience in the specific sector of the construction of cold rooms for cruise ships, allows Inox Service to provide cus- tomer satisfaction and corresponding responses as required by the regulations and international standards (see HACCP) and in par- ticular the U.S. (USPHS)
We design and produce custom-made doors, both sliding and hinged, that make workplaces safe. All our products have passed the Class A MED fire certification tests to ensure the highest level of safety.